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Any child who wears corrective eyeglasses while participating in racquetball, squash, tennis, women's lacrosse, basketball, women's field hockey, badminton, paddleball, soccer, volleyball, baseball or softball, sponsored by a school, community or government agency, shall be required to wear protective eyewear that meets the frames standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F803 and lens standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87.11.

The NJ Law went into effect July 11, 2006

That the Florida House of Representatives recognizes the seriousness of sports-related eye injuries in children and the importance of sports eye safety in protecting Florida's children and applauds the efforts of school districts, parks and recreation departments, and other local, county, and state entities sponsoring organized sports activities to advocate the use of appropriate protective eyewear when children participate in sports.
Organizations that Support NJ Law:

  • New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreations and Dance
  • New Jersey Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
  • New Jersey Academy of Ophthalmology
  • Lions of Multiple District 16 New Jersey
  • NJ Society of Optometric Physicians
  • New Jersey Recreation and Park Association
  • New Jersey Opticians Association
  • Prevent Blindness America- New Jersey
  • New Jersey Medical Association
  • New Jersey Superintendents of Schools