- More than 600,000 eye injuries related to sports and recreation occur each year…42,000 of these injuries are of a severity that requires Emergency Room attention.
- It is estimated that approximately 13,500 legally blinding sports eye injuries occur each year.
- One-in-eighteen college athletes will sustain an eye injury each season. The odds increase to one-in-ten for basketball players.
- According to the 2002 National Health Interview Survey, 84.6% of children do not utilize protective eyewear in situations that represent a risk of eye injury.
Table source: Prevent Blindness America. Based on statistics provided by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Directorate for Epidemiology; National Injury Information Clearinghouse; National Electronic Injury
Surveillance System (NEISS). Product Summary Report--Eye Injuries Only--Calendar Year 2002. This publication is
copyrighted. This sheet may be reproduced unaltered in hard print (photocopied) for educational purposes only. The
Prevent Blindness America name, logo, telephone number and copyright information may not be omitted. Electronic
reproduction, other reprint, excerption or use is not permitted without written consent. Because of the time-sensitive
nature of the information contained in this publication, use after 10/04 is not recommended. Contact Prevent Blindness
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